Indian money Lead Market Review - 9 Reasons Why Your Home Loan Gets Rejected
Lots of people in India avail home loans as they can’t arrange the money required for making a house of their own. They are forced to turn to home loans. There are lots of obstacles that you have to face while availing a home loan. Sometimes, your application for the home loan gets rejected. It could be for any of the reasons listed below. Want to know more on Home Loans ? We at will make it easy for you. Just give us a missed call on 022 6181 6111 to explore our unique Free Advisory Service. Indian money Lead Market Review is not a seller of any financial products. 9 Reasons Why Your Home Loan Gets Rejected 1. Unpaid Dues The bank checks your Credit Information Report (CIR), when you apply for a home loan. Banks look at timely payments of dues and EMIs on any other loan availed. Timely payments of past loan dues may help you get the home loan sanctioned. 2. You have other loans to repay If you have availed other loans like a ...